Accessing your Instance/Virtual Machine via SSH


These instruction are for Unix based systems such as Ubuntu or MacOS. For Windows systems, users will need to do something similar but via PuTTY + SSH.

Before you can access your virtual machine, you need to know a few pieces of information:

  1. The username for your instance. The default usernames for the base images available on Nectar can be found here. In our case the default username is ubuntu.
  2. The IP address of your instance. This can be found under the IP address column in the instances tab on your dashboard.
  3. The path to the private key on your computer. In our case it was ~/.ssh/nectarkey.pem.

How to connect

Open a terminal and type:

$ ssh -i ~/PATH/TO/YOUR/KEY <username>@<ip-address>

where you should replace ~/PATH/TO/YOUR/KEY with the path to your ssh key, <username> with (in our case) ubuntu, and <ip-address> with the IP address for your instance. For example,

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/nectarkey.pem ubuntu@


The -i flag tells your connection to use a specific private key. If you used the default public key from your local machine when setting up the key pair you will not need this, and you can simply type the command ssh <username>@<ip-address>.

If you are connecting for the first time it will ask for confirmation before connecting. Simply type yes and it will add your VM to the list of known_hosts on your local machine.


You should now be inside your new VM! To exit, press ctrl + d or type exit and hit enter. Remember to set your timezone, e.g. sudo timedatectl set-timezone 'Australia/Melbourne' (you can list all available timezones with timedatectl list-timezones).