ADACS image catalogue

Projects that are approved as a Swinburne astronomy allocation will also have access to a number of images provided by ADACS. These images are based off a public Nectar Ubuntu image, but come with extra software installed to help users get up and running faster.

Public images

These images are available to anyone. You can find them via the search box when launching an image.

ADACS - Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic) amd64

This basic image includes build essentials, such as git, make, gcc, g++, gfortran, etc, (which are not included by default on the corresponding 'bare-bones' Nectar image). It also has an Anaconda (conda) installation of Python 3, bundled with common packages like numpy, astropy, tensorflow, matplotlib and more.


The base conda environment is not loaded on login. To activate it, type conda activate.

ADACS Astronomy A - Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic) amd64

Same as the basic image, but also includes installations of these common astronomy tools:

  • SAOImage DS9
  • SExtractor (Source-Extractor)
  • fv (ftools FITS viewer)
  • PyWiFeS
  • Tempo2
  • Fermitools
  • STScI/STSDAS/Astroconda

Many of the tools are installed in conda environments:

$ conda env list
   # conda environments:
   base                  *  /home/ubuntu/conda
   astroconda               /home/ubuntu/conda/envs/astroconda
   dragons                  /home/ubuntu/conda/envs/dragons
   fermi                    /home/ubuntu/conda/envs/fermi
   geminiconda              /home/ubuntu/conda/envs/geminiconda
   iraf27                   /home/ubuntu/conda/envs/iraf27
   pywifes                  /home/ubuntu/conda/envs/pywifes

$ conda activate pywifes
(pywifes) $

ADACS Astronomy B - Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic) amd64

Same as the basic image, but also includes installations of these common astronomy tools:

  • SAOImage DS9
  • SExtractor (Source-Extractor)
  • fv (ftools FITS viewer)
  • HEASoft/Xspec
  • SAS (XMM-Newton)


The conda installation included with SAS is an older version (4.3). This means that the command conda init implemented in newer versions (4.6.12 and later) is not availabe, and thus conda commands are not available unless a conda environment has already been activated. To activate the default environment, type conda_activate, which is an alias for source <path to conda>/bin/activate.

ADACS Astronomy C - Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic) amd64

Same as the basic image, but also includes installations of these common astronomy tools:

  • SAOImage DS9
  • SExtractor (Source-Extractor)
  • fv (ftools FITS viewer)

Images with licensed software

These images contain licensed/proprietary software. Please contact to get access.

ADACS (with IDL) - Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic) amd64

Includes a full installation of IDL 8.4, along with the following astronomy IDL packages:

  • IDL Astronomy Users Library
  • SDSS IDL utilities
  • SDSS IDL spec2d pipeline

ADACS (with Intel) - Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic) amd64

Includes an installation of Intel Parallel Studio XE 2018. This gives you access to the following proprietary tools:

  • Intel C++ Compiler (icc)
  • Intel Fortran Compiler (ifort)
  • Intel Math Kernel Library (for C/C++ and Fortran)
  • GNU Project Debugger (gdb-ia), enhanced by Intel
  • Intel Integrated Performance Primitives
  • Intel Threading Building Blocks
  • Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library
  • Intel Debugger for Heterogeneous Compute
  • Intel Many Integrated Core (MIC) Debugger

ADACS (with Mathematica) - Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic) amd64

Includes a full installation of Mathematica 11.2.0.

ADACS (with MATLAB) - Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic) amd64

Includes an installation of MATLAB R2019b, along with the following products:

  • Parallel Computing Toolbox
  • Curve Fitting Toolbox
  • Optimization Toolbox
  • Global Optimization Toolbox
  • Symbolic Math Toolbox
  • Partial Differential Equation Toolbox
  • Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
  • Deep Learning Toolbox
  • Reinforcement Learning Toolbox
  • Predictive Maintenance Toolbox
  • MATLAB Coder
  • Embedded Coder
  • Fixed Point Designer
  • GPU Coder
  • MATLAB Compiler
  • MATLAB Compiler SDK
  • Database Toolbox
  • MATLAB Report Generator
  • Signal Processing Toolbox
  • Phased Array System Toolbox
  • DSP System Toolbox
  • Audio Toolbox
  • Wavelet Toolbox
  • Image Processing Toolbox
  • System Identification Toolbox


Contact if you require MATLAB products that are not in this list.

ADACS (with ABAQUS) - CentOS 8 x86_64

Includes an installation of Abaqus FEA 2018.

ADACS (with Intel + IDL + Conda) - Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic) amd64

A combination of the basic image with the Intel and IDL images above.

ADACS Astronomy A (with Intel + IDL) - Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic) amd64

A combination of the Astronomy A image with the Intel and IDL images above.